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Ecole TOA Wittaya à Mukdahan

Le batiment des CM1, CM2 et 6eme (L'ecole est primaire jusque la 6eme en Thailande). 3 classes par etage, 30 eleves par classe. Petit exercice de math pour les CE1: combien y a-t-il d'eleves dans ce batiment?

This is the grade 4, 5 and 6 building (Primary school goes up to grade 6 in Thailand). 3 classes on each floor, about 30 students in each classroom. Here is a little exercise for grade 2 studentss: How many students are there in this building?

Comme chaque matin, a 8h30 sous le preau, les eleves et leurs enseignants assistent a la levee du drapeau et chantent l'hymne national puis font une priere suivie du code de conduite de l'ecole. Enfin, les eleves s'assoient et un enseignant expose les informations generales de l'ecole et les moralites qui en decoulent.

Every morning, at 8.30am in the school yard, students and their teachers are gathered for the morning assembly for the flag raising and sing the national anthem followed by a Buddhist prayer and the common school rules. Finally, the students sit down and a teacher communicate general information related to the school and and moralities that come within.

La cantine

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